Microwave Radiation of the Ocean-Atmosphere

eBook - Boundary Heat and Dynamic Interaction

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Bibliographische Informationen
ISBN/EAN: 9789048132065
Sprache: Englisch
Seiten: 160 S., 6.32 MB
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2009
Format: PDF
Digitale Rechteverwaltung: Digitales Wasserzeichen


We will show in this monograph some possibilities of using the potential of satellite passive microwave radiometric methods for the analysis of variations of heat and dynamic processes in the oceanatmosphere interface in a wide range of time scales from mesometeorogical (hours, daily) to seasonal (month) and multiyear (climatic) ones. The most essential mechanisms of intercommunication of natural microwave radiation of the system oceanatmosphere (SOA) with the vertical turbulence fluxes of sensible, latent heat, as well as the momentum at the boundary of the SOA are studied. We will consider the turbulence heat fluxes as the factors generated by the c- otic movements in the atmosphere, when every small individual part of air is moved irregularly. Here, one can observe a transfer of the energy from large-scale to sma- scales; the average distance between the air particles is increased with a time. Also, the potential of remote sensing the characteristics of heat and water adv- tion and their accumulation in the atmosphere boundary layer are demonstrated. In these studies, we mean mainly the middle and high latitudes of the North Atlantic, which are forming the weather conditions and climatic trends over Europe and European territories of the Russia.


Parameters Accessible for the Satellite Microwave Radiometric Means and Their Relations with the OceanAtmosphere Interaction.- Modeling of the SOA MCW and IR Characteristics and Their Relations With the AirSea Heat Interaction.- Interconnection Between the Brightness Temperature and an Intensity of the Heat OceanAtmosphere Interaction: Experimental Results.- Results of Studies of Heat and Dynamic AirSea Interactions with Passive Microwave Radiometric Methods at the Seasonal and Climatic Scales.- Effectiveness of the Satellite MCW Radiometric Means of Studying the AirSea Interaction.

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